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Wir verwandeln Dein Center in einen Dinopark – oder doch lieber eine Eishöhle Profitiere von unseren vorhandenen Konzepten und Themenwelten, die wir flexibel an jede Fläche anpassen.


Wir bieten Dir hochwertige Messebau Systeme in tadelloser Qualität und ​das Made in Germany!

PoS Marketing

bachmeyr - Deine Agentur für POS Marketing, schafft Erlebnisflächen und emotionalisiert Deine Marke. Wir lassen Kinderaugen leuchten und rücken Dein Produkt ins rechte Licht.

PoS marketing

bachmeyr - your agency for POS marketing, creates experience areas and emotionalises your brand. We make children's eyes shine and put your product in the right light.


Wie zeigst Du Dich nach außen?
Eher rein plakativ – das Produkt präsentierend?
Oder Themenbezogen - dem Modetrend entsprechend?

Store window

How do you present yourself to the outside world?
Rather purely striking – presenting the product?
Or topic-related, according to the fashion trend?

Shopping malls

We'll transform your center into a dinosaur park - or would you prefer an ice cave?

Benefit from our existing concepts and theme worlds, which we adapt flexibly to any area.

Sustainable Booth Construction

We offer you high-quality exhibition stand construction systems in impeccable quality and ​Made in Germany!

Agency Services

Product conceptions and designs are projects that need to be managed. We accompany this process from start to finish. We are focused on B2B, retail, the decoration services, decorations and trade fair constructions.

In addition, we can manage your design or marketing campaigns for you. We take care of all the services
extending you core team and you can focus on your core tasks.

Contact us!

From the idea to the conception to the assembly and dismantling and storage - everything from one source - are not just empty phrases for us, but lived practice. We cover whole spectrum of yours PoS, increasing your customers' desire to buy and boosting your sales. Contact us for your individual concept.

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